April 17

You and Your Body

How much do you like your body?

I love my body despite it not being the ideal that media portrays. When I tune in to what I am feeling, I get to connect with my inner self. I take pride in my capacity to listen to what my body is teaching me. Through time and practice, I have gotten to know what my headaches signal. I understand what it means when I experience leg pain. Simply put, listening to my body pushes me to reflect and listen to its needs.

When you have full and true acceptance of your body, without alterations, judgment, or hatred, then you can live in peace and acceptance.

My body has changed and grown through the seasons. It has been through so much – pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight gain. Through it all, my body has acquired wisdom. So despite what others would deem imperfect, I can proudly say that I like my body, and the fact that I feel strong and healthy in it. 

What am I trying to say?

Don’t get stuck in numbers. Doing so has allowed me to appreciate my body’s unique beauty. It has also paved the way for me to learn how to take care of it.

Don’t anchor your decisions on fads and trends. I continuously spend time getting to know my body and its unique size and shape. I make an effort to research on what looks good for my body type. With time, I learned to choose what’s best for me. It’s hard to listen to your body when you haven’t accepted it. When you’re not in synch with your body, it’s difficult to know what it needs. So take care of your body because it will let you to learn so much about yourself. – WITH PAU DE VERA

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash


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